Prof. Adam Slabon

Professor of Chemistry
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Wuppertal
I was born on November 24th 1983 and grew up in Nuremberg, Germany. I studied chemistry at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Nanyang Technological University Singapore and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. After having obtained my PhD degree from ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Reinhard Nesper in 2013, I moved to the University of California, Berkeley, for postdoctoral studies with Prof. Peidong Yang. Since September 2014, I had been working as a group leader at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, where I obtained my habilitation in February 2019. From 2019 until 2022 I had been an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK), Stockholm University, Sweden. In 2022, I took the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry as Full Professor (W3) at the University of Wuppertal in Germany.
Since the start of my own group, my research has been supported mainly by externally-awarded research grants (total of 2.55 Mio EUR, equivalent to 25.5 MioSEK). I am an Associate Editor of Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, and I have been awarded the prestigious Wallenberg Academy Fellow in 2021.