Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften


20 May 2022
Can Lu defended successfully his PhD thesis. Congrats Can!
The Slabon group has now already 4 accomplished PhD theses (Martin Davi, Zili Ma, Zheng Chen, Can Lu). 

17 May 2022
Adam gave a talk on the group´s research at the COAST 2022 conference at CEST in Wiener Neustadt, Austria.

1st April 2022
The start of our group at the University of Wuppertal, Germany!

25th February 2022
The Slabon group is moving to the University of Wuppertal, Germany, where Adam will take over as Full Professor the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry.
We are hiring one PhD student for a project at the Interface of Green Chemistry and electrochemistry. The successfull candidate will develop electrochemical methods for lignin depolymerization. 

3rd December 2021
Zheng successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats!

2nd December 2021
Adam has been appointed Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2021!
This research grant of 7.5 Mio SEK for 2022-2026 will be used for our research on electrochemical depolymerization of lignin.

6th October 2021
Dr. Kerem Kaya joins the group to work on cellulose-based photocatalysts. Welcome!

25th August 2021
Bernadette Davies joins the group as PhD student to work on in-situ electrochemistry. Welcome!

26th July 2021
Stockholm University has highlighted our recently reported critical advance in the recycling of Li-ion batteries!

18 March 2021
Adam has introduced in an article the new master programme in Sustainable Chemistry at Stockholm University.

5 March 2021
Adam joins Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews as Associate Editor. 

25 February 2021
Take a look at the previous Sustainable Chemistry Lecture Series (Guests: Prof. Bert Weckhuysen and Prof. Burkhard König) co-organized by our group. Here is the youtube-link.
Join us for the 3rd edition of this online ZOOM-event on March 2nd with Prof. Bradley Chmelka and Prof. Paolo Melchiorre. Register here.

22 December 2020
We are hiring! A PhD student position (project title: Nanostructured semiconductors for photoelectrochemical water splitting) is available. Check the link.

8 December 2020
Our review on "Sustainable Li-ion Batteries: Chemistry and Recycling" has been accepted for publication to Adv. Energ. Mater. !

7 December 2020
The group has been awarded a research grant of 4 Mio SEK for solar energy conversion! Stay tuned for more news coming soon.

1 December 2020
The group has been awarded a research grant from the Wenner Gren foundation for development of cellulose-based photocatalysts! 

18 November 2020
Tetyana has been awarded an independent 4-year mobility grant from FORMAS to work on biocoatings in collaboration with Prof. Zimmerman at Yale and our group at SU. Congratulations!

27 October 2020
Today, Zili Ma defended successfully his PhD thesis (surface modification of electrodes; including metal oxides and oxynitrides). He is the second researcher from our group has been awarded a PhD degree. Congratulations Zili! 

5 September 2020
Zheng´s work on surface activavtion of Bi2O2NCN has been accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem.!

1 September 2020
Joy Onwumere has started her PhD studies in our group after having completed her Msc thesis with us. Her successful work is reflected with an accepted article as 1st author in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Welcome Joy!

4 August 2020
Our work on the Atomic Level Understanding of nitrogen-doped carbon by means of 15N NMR Spectroscopy for electrochemical denitrification and oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene has been accepted in Chem. Mater. !

28 July 2020
Make SiO2 great again! Our latest paper in App. Surf. Sci. demonstrates that grafting of glycine converts SiO2 into an efficient sorbent for Co(II) and Ni(II) removal from water. Congrats to Jedrzej!

27 July 2020
We are looking for a postdoctoral scholar on lignin functionalization for environmental applications.

1 July 2020
Tetyana´s paper on chitosan-functionalized silica is online in J. Phys. Chem. C.

3 June 2020
Can´s and Zili´s paper on hybrid inorganic-polymeric photoathodes has been accepted for publication in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces! Many thanks to the collaborating groups of Kustrowski, Dronskowski and Pammer. 

2 June 2020
Dr. Robin Gueret our group as postdoctoral researcher and will work on photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction. Welcome Robin! 

1 June 2020
Dr. Gabriely Alves da Cruz joins our group as postdoctoral researcher and will work on photoelectrochemical depolymerization. Welcome Gaby!

7 May 2020
Zili´s paper on WSe2/FePt photocathodes has been accepted for publication in J. Phys. Chem. C. Congratulations Zili and many thanks to the collaborating groups at RWTH and Bremen!

6 May 2020
Adam gave an online talk about the groups recent research. Many thanks to Prof. Loredana Protesescu for the organization!

5 May 2020
Tetyana´s and Jedrzej´s paper on lignin-SiO2 composites has been accepted to ACS OMEGA. Congratulations for the SU-KTH collaboration!

27 April 2020
Adam gave an online talk about the groups recent research. Many thanks to Prof. Oliver Clemens from TU Darmstadt for the invitation!

27 April 2020
Our recent paper on TiO2 nanocomposites has been acceptef for publication in J. Solid State Electr. Congratulations to Yaprak and we are looking forward for the continuation of this collaboration!

11 March 2020
Our group will particiapte in the Wallenberg project "New materials for sustainable chemicals manufacturing" together with SU and KTH! We are hiring now a postdoctoral scholar for two years. Please send your application directly to Adam Slabon.

25 February 2020
Our review article has been accepted to ChemSusChem! Congrats to the team: Tetyana, Adam and Mika!
"Lignin‐inorganic interfaces: chemistry and applications from adsorbents to catalysts and energy storage materials"

13 February 2020
Adam gave a talk at the Inauguration Symposium for the professorship of Paul Anastas at MMK.  It was an honour to give a talk which was attended by His Majesty, King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden!

17 January 2020
Dr. Caspar de Bruin-Dickason joins our group as Postdoc! Caspar will focus on recycling of Li-ion batteries. 

6 January 2020
Dr. Istvan-Zoltan Jenei joins our group as Postdoc! Istvan will be working on TEM and characterization of nanoparticles for environmental applications.

25 November 2019
Our project on depolymerization of plastics and biopolymers has been approved by the Carl Tryggers Foundation! A postdoctoral scholarship is therefore available in our group. Contact Adam for further details. 

19 October 2019
We are hiring! One PhD Student position in Inorganic Chemistry is available.
Project title: Project title: Materials for environment-friendly technologies.

15 October 2019
We are hiring! One PhD Student position in Materials Chemistry is available.
Project title: Environmental Impact of Particles Generated by Mechanical Surface Interaction.

15 October 2019
Our proposed project on sustainable CO2 reduction has been awarded by VINNOVA!
This is a joint project together with Per-Olof Syren (KTH), Mika Sipponen (SU), RISE, Tetyana Budnyak (SU) and Adam Slabon (SU). Looking forward to this collaboration!

11 September 2019
A 2-year postdoctoral scholarship on Li-ion battery recycling is available in our group. 

30 August 2019
We have been awarded a research grant on Lithium ion battery recycling technology by the Olle Engkvist foundation. Looking forward to start this research programme soon. A postdoctoral scholar position will be announced soon.

8 August 2019
Our recent paper on "bile acids adsorption by chitoan-fumed silica enterosorbent" is online. Congratulations Tetyana!

17 July 2019
Adam gave an invited talk at the LMU Munich, Germany, on nitrogen-based materials for solar energy conversion. 

16 July 2019
With Iron Fist! Mössbauerite as Iron-Only Layered Oxyhydroxide Catalyst for WO3 Photoanodes. Our recent work in collaboration with the Breu group is online in Inorg. Chem. Congratulations to Zili!

27 June 2019
Adam gave an invited talk at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.

24 June 2019
Large research grant SafeChem for developing green chemistry has been awarded by MISTRA to the consortium of Stockholm University, IVL, KTH, RISE, DTU and 12 companies! The total sum is  SEK 100 million.
The Slabon group, as member of the consortium, will contribute with research on tailoring of designed green chemical processes for fine particle recovery and reuse.


13 June 2019
Adam gave a talk on oxynitride photaondoes at the 10th International Symposium on Nitrides (ISNT2019) in Barcelona.

20 May 2019
Adam presented the recent work of the group in an invited talk at the annual CATSS meeting in Vaxholm, Sweden.


9 May 2019
Wire it up! Our new paper on oxynitride nanowires has been accepted to ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.


1 May 2019
Dr. Tetyana Budynak joins the group at MMK. Welcome!

28 April 2019
Our comment on the exciting work by Prof. Yi Yu et al. is online at IUCrJ.

16 April 2019
Our new paper on Band Gap Tuning in Bi2O2NCN. is online in Inorg. Chem.!